Heart with
Harmonious development of man begins with a close bond based upon feeling of safety and attentive presence. Toddlers need to be close to their parents, feel their touch, scent and heart beating. Therefore, we hand you pillars of philosophy "heart with heart".

Closeness is the baby’s primal sense. Closeness creates a natural bond with parents, generates heat, calms and gives a sense of security. The sense of touch awakens in the second month of life, and children respond instinctively to a mother’s caress. Children want to be touched and they use touch to discover the world around them. The first closeness is a mother’s HEARTbeat.

Closeness is your style of care. Breastfeeding, wearing baby slings, shared bath or sleep support the creation of a strong bond through skin and smell. Showing tenderness by stroking, tickling, dressing or playing develops curiosity in the child who accepts his body as a place of good feelings and sensations.
Be close
To develop properly, we need to cuddle and be cuddled a dozen times a day. Show your child affection as often as possible, without reason or reward. Each day find time to comfort, play, go for a walk or sleep tight with them in your arms.
Care is the priority for parents. It strengthens the delicate parent/child relationship, provides guidance, and facilitates development in a safe and creative way. A child can sense if they are being cared for with love. Care is the HEART which understands.

Care is constant closeness, reinforced by learning. Nurturing a baby from birth requires intuition and empathy, which we acquire from daily, mindful observation. Good caregivers ensure restful sleep, comfort and respect each emotion of a child.
Take care
The best care develops through emotional intimacy. You must first know the character, temperament and personality of your child in order to respond to them with empathy. A parent’s responsibility is to gently guide a child on a path they will eventually travel on their own.
Mindfulness is a special kind of attention, combining care with wisdom. Good parents strive to maintain a balance between authority and empathy. Through understanding their child, parents will carefully determine when to react and when not to. Mindful HEARTS do not judge, but lead.

Mindfulness is the flexibility of embracing change. Allow your child to be curious about the world in a way that encourages creative exploration. An attentive parent does not react impetuously to error, upset or anger but accepts these emotions as necessary in the development of a child.
Be mindful
Mindful parenting combines care with wisdom. The child is at the whim of their own emotions, so you must create an atmosphere where emotions are understood and accepted. The purpose of emotional development is not to please others but self-discovery.
Connection is to see the world through a child’s eyes. Provide them with a sense of security without which they will not experience the freedom of childhood. An overwhelmed child may act out in frustration or use sleep as an escape. Connection creates security. A connected HEART knows its needs.

Connection is the involvement of in the everyday life of the child, understanding their feelings and reactions. Connected parents attach with the baby in a natural partnership in which everyone’s needs are met.
Be connected
Connected parents provide the child with mental comfort. They are with him when he laughs and when he cries. They react when needed and let go when it’s right. They trust time and maintain the balance between dependence and freedom.
Balance is to find harmony between a child’s world and the world of their parents. How we care for our children affects how we see ourselves in the world. Little HEARTS set the rhythm of big HEARTS.

What is done for the baby’s heart also benefits parents. Caring for the needs of the beloved toddler should enrich mom and dad. Do not be reluctant to create family goals for the future. Children internalize parents’ peace of mind.
Being a parent doesn’t eclipse your other needs. Parental happiness is good for the whole family so treat yourself and your partner well.
Freedom means everyone can be who they are. Freedom exists when the child and parents have their own thoughts, feelings and reactions. Life should be lived in accordance with the heart. Love begins where HEART is free.

Observation is more important than interference. Allow your child to be themselves. Throw away the parenting guide. Each child is an individual, and the key is to know his character without forcefully instilling rigid principles and rules.
Be free
Allow your child to choose a bedtime story, the color of clothes, a toy or a play activity. Children allowed to independently choose the vegetables served with dinner eat them far more than children who are not given a choice.
Free at HEART
Freedom is the shedding of outdated limitations of children and carers. You do not have to be a family from a textbook series. The house can be messy and the children can play in the mud. We can’t be perfect, but we can be pretty darn good. Only the free HEART love without restraint.
Development means that the relationship between parents and child is constantly evolving. Babies seem to change faster than parents, but for both sides time passes. We need to be sensitive to every opportunity to grow together. A HEART, which does not develop, stops beating.

For proper development a child needs acceptance, self-esteem and independence. Love someone for who they are today and for who they will be tomorrow. Do not withdraw when the child is fighting for a space for themselves, but recognize it’s a normal and necessary stage of development.
To develope
A child should be left alone to choose their own passions. We should help guide children through discovery. Do something that you haven’t done before to model safe exploration of the world and let your toddler be present for this challenge.
All members of the family should be fulfilled. Everyone’s needs are important and everyone has a unique space to fill. A fulfilled HEART is happy and peaceful.

To nurture the child’s heart we should give him CLOSENESS and CARE. MINDFULLY observe their personality and emotions. Always be CONNECTED but know when to withdraw and wait. Find a BALANCE between devoting yourself to your child and your own needs. Facilitate FREEDOM and inspire DEVELOPMENT.
Be fulfilled
Children are like our dreams. Allow your child to dream and help him to achieve. Encourage passion for life and the value of relationships. Love his individual world.